Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword—it’s an increasingly critical goal for businesses in Australia & New Zealand, and it’s deeply intertwined with the broader global movement towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Warehouse automation is emerging as a key player in this arena. Robotics technology, as highlighted by the International Federation of Robotics plays a pivotal role in advancing these goals, promoting sustainable industrial practices and eco-friendly innovations.

At PHS Innovate, we’re seeing firsthand how automated warehouses are revolutionising sustainability in logistics, contributing significantly to SDGs such as responsible consumption and production, and industry innovation and infrastructure.


The Bigger Picture of Warehouse Sustainability:


When we talk about sustainable warehouses, it’s not just about energy use. Automated solutions across the industry tackle a range of environmental challenges:

  • Smart Space Use: Automated storage systems shrink warehouse footprints, preserving land and reducing construction materials.
  • Energy Efficiency: Lights-out operations and optimised climate control cut power consumption.
  • Waste Reduction: Precise handling means less product damage and smarter packaging.
  • Transport Optimisation: Automated loading systems improve vehicle use, cutting emissions.
  • Resource Management: Automation frees up staff for higher-value tasks, using human resources more sustainably.


Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS): Sustainability in Action


Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) stand at the forefront of sustainable warehouse innovation. These systems exemplify how automation can drive significant environmental benefits while enhancing operational efficiency. By utilising vertical space with remarkable precision, ASRS dramatically reduce a warehouse’s physical footprint. This not only preserves valuable land but also minimises the materials needed for construction, supporting more sustainable urban development.


The compact nature of ASRS brings additional eco-friendly advantages. With dense storage configurations, less energy is required for climate control and lighting. Many ASRS enable ‘lights-out’ operations, slashing energy consumption during off-hours. Moreover, the precision of automated handling significantly reduces product damage, cutting down on waste and the need for replacements. This combination of space efficiency, energy reduction, and waste minimisation makes ASRS a powerful tool for businesses in Australia & New Zealand looking to align their operations with global sustainability goals.


Intelligent Warehouse Management: The Brain of Green Operations


At the heart of a truly sustainable warehouse lies intelligent Warehouse Management Systems (WMS). These sophisticated software solutions act as the central nervous system, orchestrating operations to maximise efficiency and minimise environmental impact. By leveraging advanced algorithms and real-time data, WMS optimises every aspect of warehouse operations, from inventory placement to order picking and shipping.


One of the most significant sustainability benefits of intelligent WMS is its ability to optimise routes within the warehouse. By calculating the most efficient paths for pickers and automated equipment, these systems drastically reduce unnecessary movement. This not only saves time but also significantly cuts energy consumption. Furthermore, intelligent WMS enhances picking accuracy, leading to a marked reduction in returns and reshipments – a often-overlooked aspect of sustainability in e-commerce. Perhaps most impressively, these systems excel at load optimisation, ensuring that outbound trucks are filled to capacity, thereby minimising the number of trips and associated carbon emissions. As businesses in Australia & New Zealand increasingly focus on their environmental footprint, intelligent warehouse management emerges as a critical tool in achieving meaningful, measurable sustainability improvements.


Real-World Impact: PHS Innovate in Action


Paul Denton, Managing Director of PHS Innovate, shares a recent success story from New Zealand:

“Our collaboration with Talley’s, a major food producer in New Zealand, showcases the transformative power of warehouse automation. We implemented a state-of-the-art system that’s not just about efficiency—it’s a leap towards more sustainable operations.

The six-level deep lane storage system we installed uses Automha Movers with onboard satellite shuttles on each level. This maximises space utilisation, significantly reducing the warehouse’s physical footprint and associated energy needs for climate control.

What’s particularly innovative is how we’ve designed each level as a separate safety zone. This allows for maintenance access when needed, while the rest of the system continues to operate—minimising downtime and energy waste.

We’ve also integrated multiple vertical lifts for load transfer between levels. This not only optimises movement within the warehouse but also provides built-in redundancy, ensuring consistent operation and avoiding the energy spikes associated with system restarts.

By integrating the Warehouse Management System with Talley’s existing ERP system, we’ve created a seamless flow of information that minimises errors and maximises resource efficiency. Plus, with our remote access setup, our technicians can provide immediate support, reducing the need for on-site visits and associated travel.

While we don’t have specific figures, it’s clear that this system is driving significant improvements in Talley’s operational efficiency and environmental footprint. It’s a prime example of how automation can support a company’s sustainability goals while enhancing their operational capabilities.”


The Future is Green and Automated


As businesses in Australia & New Zealand face increasing pressure to meet sustainability targets, warehouse automation offers a powerful solution. At PHS Innovate, we’re committed to helping companies transform their operations, proving that efficiency and sustainability can go hand in hand.


Ready to make your warehouse a sustainability powerhouse? Let’s talk about how PHS Innovate can help you reach your green goals through cutting-edge automation.


About PHS Innovate. From our engineering base in New Zealand, PHS Innovate offer customised materials handling products and systems across Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific region. Whether you’re a multinational company with complex production lines or a smaller business looking to scale up, we build solutions that fit your specific needs. Contact us today to discuss your project.